One of the new items I had at this cookie exchange was my nut cup holders (That sounds so wrong on so many levels).
I saw this on someone's blog and for the life of me I cannot find it again. If you are reading this and know the other blog you saw this on - please let me know - I'm all about giving credit where credit is due!
I saw this - and knew it would be the perfect way to showcase my Grandma Kortright's Candied Nuts. One call to my dad in FL - he was all over it. He even took my verbal description one step further - He made them stacking for storing purposes. Dad's ROCK!
I went to our local craft store and purchased a Christmas "Mat Stack" - found in the scrapbooking aisle. This was a book of paper already cut in a 5 by 8 size. I just rolled each cone and stapled the seams. Since the nuts are slightly greasy, I also purchased disposable icing bags and put them into each cone as a liner.
I only used 2 tiers at the party - but it is nice to know that I have the third tier should I ever entertain a larger crowd!
This is my dad and some of his favorite little ladies! Thanks dad! You make me feel like I'm still your favorite - (Even though I know better!) I love you!
Can you think of anything else I can use these neat holders for?
What a cute idea! They look so festive... what a great Dad you have :)
You can use these as umbrella stands for very short umbrellas! You are so very very creative! Love this idea!
How about little popcorn holders or candy for kids play dates or birthday parties?
(Sabrina's sis in law)
Will your dad make one for me too?! ; ) Those are fantastic. I would find any excuse to incorporate those into parties. How about they hold sugar cones of ice cream.
Could you tell me how you stapled these? I'm trying to do it, and I can't get them stapled. Do you have a special type of stapler?
Karen - My dad is great - Thanks!
Robin Sue - I'll do that for my April Shower's party!
Donna - Great idea - Thanks!
Chris - Love your blog! I think your out of luck with my dad - sorry - great idea though.
Robin - I just put one staple near the top (at the fat opening). I did not put a staple in the bottom - but the cone holder kept the cone in that shape. I did the paper cones a few days ahead of time and put them in their holders. I think by the time the party came they were "molded" in the cone shape and did not open at the bottom. I hope that helps. Just one staple at the top!
You can put snowcones in them, ice cream cones or ice cream cone cupcakes. :-)
I am just finding this website and love you candied nuts cones. Where did you get the tiers?
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