If you have read my profile on blogger you know that I am a cancer survivor. When I was 36 years old, and on my way to tennis one day - my doctor called and told me that I carrying around two types of cancer. I totally held it together for that phone call, went and played my doubles tennis match (kick booty) and then proceeded to fall apart as I was leaving the court.
Since I didn't know the other two ladies my partner and I were playing that day - I'm sure I gave them a game they will never forget! Now that I think back on that - those poor ladies I lost it on. I'm sure they didn't know what to do! Let's face it - I didn't know what to do!
I immediately went out and bought books like the ones pictured above. I hunkered down and cried behind my closed doors as I mourned the loss of my boob, my hair and my mayo! That's right...I said MAYO! I love mayo. I love chocolate. I love chips. I love pretty much anything that has an ingredient list a mile long and is a color that is not normally found in nature!
The books I was reading were telling me that breast cancer cells need certain fatty acids to grow and a low fat diet is best.
This couldn't be. Mayo and I go way back. We're buds. He (Hellmann's) had gotten me out of many sticky stiuations. Not really but I was definitely in love with him! I thought I would never be able to love on my little man with the blue bowtie ever again.
I do still love him - DEARLY, but I have decided to start seeing less of him! I broke it to him gently and I think he took it pretty well. This egg salad is a wonderful rendezvous with my favorite bow-tied "Mann"
Rindy's Egg Salad
6 Hard boiled eggs, cooled
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
2 tsp prepared Mustard
1 tsp. dill weed
1 tsp onion powder
Smash eggs. Add the rest of the ingredients! Enjoy on roll or toast!
Rindy, First, and most importantly, congratulations on being a cancer survivor! I really appreciated all that you wrote, thank you! Second, you were one of the lucky numbers for my little giveaway! Send me an email (auntspicy @ gmail.com) (removing the spaces from the email of course) with your address and the cute green pendant will be in your mailbox super fast!
Aunt Spicy - You just made my day!!! YEAH ME!!
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