The other day I walked into my friend Meredith's house and smelled the best dinner cooking. I asked her what it was and she said - just a recipe she throws together all the time in the crock pot. I told her I had to have it and went out and bought the ingredients that day and made it the next. It did not disappoint!
Isn't she adorable. She is my neighbor and I can call on her for ANYTHING - and I just about have!
Meredith didn't really have a name for it - so my girls and I came up with "Spaghettio's - Adult Style"! To me, it tastes like what I thought Spaghettio's tasted like as a kid. (Although I have had them as an adult, I think they are disgusting - however, this stew tastes nothing like Spaghettios of old)!
Spaghettio's- Adult Style!
1 pound stew meat
1 (46 oz) Vegetable Juice
1 (29 oz) can "Veg-All" Vegetables, drained
1 sweet onion
1/2 teaspoon dried Basil
1/2 teaspoon dried Rosemary
1/2 teaspoon dried Thyme
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 cup dried noodles
Douse meat with worcestershire sauce. Toss meat in flour and fry on all sides. This takes about 10 minutes.
Cut sweet onion in small pieces and place in bottom of crock pot.
Place seared meat on top of onions.
Pour bottle of vegetable juice all over meat.
Pour whole can of vegetables in crock pot.
Put dried herbs and minced garlic in crock pot.
Cook on low for 8 to 10 hours. Thirty minutes before serving, put 1 cup of dried noodles in the crock pot.
I had 2 hot dogs in my deli drawer and I cut them up and threw them in the crock pot at the same time I tossed in my dried noodles. This is a great recipe to use up some of those extra cans of veggies in your pantry!
Enjoy and get ready to relive a taste from childhood!
I will getting my crock pot out for this one. I must admit i ate more than my share of Spaghettios while I was growing up!
You had me at spaghettios. I am adding the ingredients to the list right now. Thanks Rindy and thanks Meredith.
I'm in...what an awesome idea.
I love spaghettio's and feel so awful about feeding them to my children when I give in and buy them. This is such a great recipe, and in a crock pot to boot! Yay!
Anytime I can make or eat pasta, I am a happy camper! Looks good!!
Whoa this ones sounds nice and easy. Never would have thought of the tomato juice!
Can I ask a really dumb question....what is stew meat? (obviously I am more a baker than a cook and I eat out more than I eat in and after a long day at work I go for cold cereal cause its easier...but this looks so good I my try it!)
Aunt Spicy - I always find "Stew Meat" right by the steaks in the meat department. They are just tougher cuts of beef and they are already cubed. Very convenient - you just have to cook the heck out of them and this recipe does just that!
This is awesome! I have a guilty pleasure of Spaghettios, although now I buy the organic kind and tell myself that it's still OK to eat! Thanks for stopping by my site today!
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