I received my February Family Fun Magazine the other day in the mail and knew I had to make these fun Milk Carton Wallets with my girls. If there is one thing we like more then food - it is purses, and nothing is better then a FREE purse!
A "How-To" video can be found on the Family Fun Website! Just Click HERE and I'll take you there!
In anticipation of making these I had saved two milk cartons. These worked out well since the little barn was front and center. In the magazine they use an orange juice container - and the colorful carton really looks cute as well!
When you click over - they have a printable template which you will need to copy. It helps you score all the creases you will have to make. I found it pretty difficult and quickly realized this was not a step my children could do.
These would be adorable for party favors if you were going somewhere and the children would be given money or coins (Chuck-E-Cheese, Mall). You can't beat the price! Perfect place for your child's milk money as well!
Now I have somewhere to put my milk money. MOO-ve over Martha here comes Rindy! Very cute idea!
Too cute! My son would really like this idea. He has been making duct tape wallets. I will have to try.
I totally saw this and thought it was brilliant. So adorable and kids just love doing stuff like that.
Neato! Family Fun Mag has such great ideas!
By the way, my oldest son made the brownies with the peanut butter frosting to take to his girlfriend's house for Super Bowl...it was a hit:-)
Robin Sue - I am SURE Martha is not worried :-)
Sheila - I laughed when I read this - my girls have been making duct tape wallets all weekend as well. It must be in the air!
noble pig - Try it! It's good cheap fun!
Rachael - I am so glad the brownies were a hit. It will be a while before I make them again - I ate them ALL! I wish I had a shut off switch when it came to chocolate!
Thanks for the comments everyone! It makes my day!
Way too clever!
You won the Barney Butter! Send me your address :)
You are such an awesome mom. I always see those crafty things and shy away from them.
I love these too. I can't get the template off of Family fun. I've tried multiple times.
Can you e-mail template? Thanks.
I loved these too. Can't find template anywhere on family fun website.
Can you e-mail me the template?
Rebekah - If you just click on "HERE" in the post - it will take you to the template. I can't seem to get to your blog. Have fun!
Can you post the teplate on your blog? I saw that on the website for family fun but the site is having problems and can't load the template so it can be printed out. I have saved a ton of milk cartons and my kids really want to do this project.
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