Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When a good sandwich goes bad!

I saw these a few months ago as "Coming Soon" - and now they're here! The perfect zippy bag for adults combating work related lunch stealing and a conversation starter for your kids at the lunch table. What kid wouldn't want to show his friends at school what he or she HAS to eat for lunch. I can just picture my little Jensie taking bets from the boys as to whether or not she would eat her sandwich! She is so bad - and I mean that in the best possible way!

Check out the website HERE and gross out co-workers and classmates alike!

Just one more way to spoil your kids rotten!


  1. That's great....hahahahaha!

    My kids are fond of sharing their lunches, or trading I don't know how welll that would go over with them:-)

  2. LOL. You got me. I am hopping over there right now.

  3. This is too funny my kids would freak out! I bet they would think it is real.

  4. How funny! It certainly looks like the real deal. I will have to get some for my kids for April fools' jokes.

  5. Those are great! My older 2 boys would have carried these bags for the gross out factor alone!

    What will people think up next?

  6. That is dang hysterical...omh...must get now for April Fools day.

  7. I am going to have to get these for my son. It is always a free for all at his lunch table
