Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coming Clean for the Cookie Exchange!

Every year my friend Sarah and I (you might remember her from "Calico Bean Pot Baked Beans") host a cookie exchange at my home. I love planning this get together. I love picking out the menu, printing the invititations and ushering in the Christmas season with this festive party. The one downer, and it's a big one, is the clean up that has to take place before the big event.

This is the entry way into my home. The only place that does not have enough shelf space for me to place random items that I seem not to be able to put away. I love this spot. When the occasional neighbor looks in the front door window - it looks as though I run a tidy ship! That's right - I'm a closet clutter-er!

My kitchen - pre party! If there is a piece of counter - there is a piece of clutter on it!
My next blog will show the transformation my home has to go through to host this party. This is no small feat my friend!


  1. I was beginning to wonder if you were human. Your house is still amazingly beautiful even with clutter.

  2. Oh I feel so much better now! The BRK looks like that more often than not! Love the exchange, was beautiful and delicious! Can't wait to see your pictures.

  3. I see your Kitchen Aid out on your kitchen counter and ingredients so you were baking up something. We will give you a pass. Yup, you have to wrap gifts and prizes someplace. So you get another pass.
    I know how your "inner you" thinks -Cleanliness is next to Godliness - so this kitchen and dining room were sending you into a tailspin. I'll wait to see the finished product before passing judgement. Love you - MOM
