Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dad's Birthday Butterscotch Pie

On his Birthday my Dad gets to choose whether or not he wants a Molasses Cake or a Butterscotch Pie. This year he chose the Butterscotch Pie and thus the blog that appears below. Strangely enough, my Mom and her Mom, as well, always chose a Butterscotch Pie for their Birthday. I wonder how long this recipe has been around?
It will remain on the A-list as it is goood - but then so is the molasses cake.

Butterscotch Pie

Put one pint milk in double boiler and when it is hot add:

1 1/3 cup dark brown sugar
1 heaping tablespoon flour (I do mean heaping)
3 tablespoons butter
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla and
yolks of 3 eggs which have all been creamed together.

Cook until thick then add 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Put in an already baked shell. Cover with meringue made with 3 egg whites and 1/2 cup
Sprinkle a few chopped nuts on top and brown in oven.
(375 degrees for five minutes)
Allow to cool well before serving.

After using this same recipe for years I read in a newspaper that one
Tablespoon molasses added to a butterscotch pie enriches the color of
the filling and blends with the sugar, butter and vanilla, giving the pie
a true butterscotch-candy flavor.

Happy Birthday Dad - I love you!

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